Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Peaceful Warrior and Servant King

Tim Murray

The Peaceful Warrior and Servant King.

He pushes away a sword.
To save the innocent.
In His hands he lifts bread and wine.
To protect what is sacred.
His head is adorned by a crown.-
Bestowed by the ignorant.
Deep wounds covers Him-
So that His blood may spill.
Tattered bindings cover His feet-
For His path has been long.
A crimson cape marks him-
So we may know him.

His Legions withheld-
He values peace.
His hands are tired and pierced.
His mission fulfilled.
His crown adorns gold nor jewels.
Only twisted thorns of folly and schemes.
His back and his breast, shredded.
He endured, and forgave.
His tattered bindings are bloodied and filthy-
To leave a path to follow.
His cape hides the wounds He bore
wounds that we inflicted upon him.

Who is this Peacful Warrior?
This Servant King?
He fights without violence.
Arms open, he embraces us all.
His eyes show compassion and mercy-
He delights not in His war.
His hands bear witness to His fate-
His side torn asunder.
His crown once a mockery,
now sings of Unending Glory.
His enemies, His children, His beloved
All kneel on bended knee.

For the poor in spirit and the meek
are His treasured sheep.
For those who mourn,
He brings them peace.
Those who hunger and thirst for Justice
feast at his table.
Those who show mercy, know Him well.
The clean of heart see Him as God.
Those who make peace
shall be called His children.
And those who suffer for Him
Will be His Heirs.

This Peaceful Warrior and Servant King
Commands the Great Army.
Not of soldiers and generals.
But of the humble and grateful.
His weapons are prayer and obedience
not swords and spears.
Upon his appeal to the Father
He may call twelve legions of angels.
With a single word
the winds and the oceans obey.
Yet, This Peaceful Warrior and Servant King
calls only for you and me.

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